Tuesday, January 19, 2016

SC2 Abbreviations and the Like

Throughout these posts (and in most things SC2 and even non-SC2) related, there will be much use of abbreviations, shortenings, or alternate names to many terms.  I'll use this post to clarify what I mean when I use them, though a lot of them can be figured out by simple context.

Since this is a Zerg blog, I'll start with them.  Not everything has a nickname, like Roach or Ravagers.  But I will try to be as complete as I can be.  Here's a list of ones used frequently:

Zergling: ling
Baneling: bling, bane
Overlord: OL, ovie
Hatchery: hatch, H (used in describing openers)
Hydralisk: hydra
Mutalisk: muta
Infestor: WINfestor (they were in Wings of Liberty at least, but they are creeping back up in LotV)
Brood Lord: BL, brood
Ultralisk: ultras
Swarm Host: SH, money host, cash hosts (mostly referring to the HotS days)
Extractor: gas, G (similar use as H)
Evolution Chamber: evo, evo chamber
Spawning Pool: pool, P (similar use as H)
Spine Crawler: spine
Spore Crawler: spore
Nydus Network/Worm: nydus
LBM: ling/bling/muta (zerglings, banelings, mutalisks)
Morphing: building a unit or structure (technically, drones morph into structures, larvae morph into the various zerg units, and some zerg units can morph into other zerg units)
Droning: building drones

Now with the other races, starting with Terran:

MMM: marine, marauder, medivac
MMMM or 4M: MMM + widow mines
Bio: unit composition that is primarily made up of units produced from the barracks.  It does not only contain those units, as medivacs are always included (MMM for example is bio)
Mech: unit composition primarily made up of units from the factory
SkyTerran: unit composition made up from the starport
Siege Tank: tanks
Widow Mine: mine
Liberators: FREEDOM, libs
Battlecruiser: BC
Medivac: boostvac, speedvac, vac
Tanks + Medivac: tankivac
Command Center: CC
Orbital Command: OC
Plantetary Fortress: PF
Engineering Bay: ebay
Missile Turret: turret
Barracks: rax
Factory: fact
Starport: port
Fusion Core: core
Refinery: gas
1/1/1: one barracks, one factory, one starport build
Pull the Boys: bringing SCVs into an attack

And now, the Protoss:

Zealot: zeal
High Templar: HT, temp
Psionic Storm: psi storm, storm
Dark Templar: DT
Observer: obs
Colossus: col
Immortal: immo
Warp Prism: WP
Phoenix: nix
Void Ray: VR
Mothership Core: MSC, momma core
Gateway/Warp Gate: gate
Assimilator: gas
Cybernetics Core: core, CC (rarely used since CC is mainly for Terrans)
Forge Fast Expand: FFE (building a forge, then a nexus)
Gateway Expand: building a gateway, then a nexus
Twilight Council: TC
Stargate: SG
Robotics Facility: robo
Fleet Beacon: FB, beacon, bacon
Templar Archives: archives
Dark Shrine: shrine
Photon Cannon: cannon
Photon Overcharge: PO, photon overrustle, photon overskill

Non-specific race ones here:

Wings of Liberty: WoL, WOL
Heart of the Swarm: HotS, HOTS
Legacy of the Void: LotV, LOTV
Starcraft: SC
Brood War: BW
Build/BO: build order; a set of instructions used when you start a game.  Each instruction is given as a number and a structure or unit. An example:
 - 13 OL, 17 H, 17 P, 17 G
 - Translation: At 13 supply, morph an overlord.  At 17 supply, make a hatchery.  At 17 supply, make a spawning pool. At 17 supply, make an extractor.
- The number refers to your supply count.  Usually, this is the number of workers you have, since you won't have any other type of unit at this point.  Following the number is what to make obviously.
- In this example, note that it is to make the hatchery when you reach 17 supply, then make the spawning pool when reaching 17 supply again, and then making the extractor after reaching 17 once more.  It does not mean reaching 17 supply, then making all 3 structures.  Remember that Zerg use up a drone when making a building, so each time you make a structure you essentially lose a worker and go to 16 supply.  To clarify, after making a hatchery, you build another drone to get to 17 supply again before making the pool.
- Sometimes, the 13 OL may be omitted because it is assumed you will need to make one to reach the supply needed in the build order.
- Later annotations can include @100 [resource], simply stating to build a unit/structure or research an upgrade whenever you reach 100 or a resource.  Most common example: @100 gas ling speed.
- Some may just state a time to perform something as well.  Example: 3:20 3rd hatch.
Worker: SCV, drone, or probe
Mineral Line: the area where your workers mining minerals is.
Gas: vespene geysers
Natural: the expansion players are most likely to take first/
Third / Fourth / Fifth / etc.: refers to expansions.
Gold: refers to an expansion that has gold minerals.
Good Game: gg; used to surrender before a match usually (some exceptions exist, like said at the beginning just to mean to have a good game)
Good Luck, Have Fun: gl hf; usually said at the start of a match
Pause Please: pp (courtesy to say before pausing)
Fast Expand: FE
Proxy: building structures away from your base, usually near the enemy's location for quick aggression.
Bad Manner: BM, an "inherited" way of saying poorly mannered
Cheese: has different meanings based on use.  Can refer to an opener that is easy to execute but hard to defend against, or a strategy that is frowned upon in general.
All-In: a strategy where all resources are dedicated to an attack.  Sometimes intertwined with a "timing attack" or "timing push", which is a strategy that is designed to make an attack at a certain time frame
Rush: a strategy that focuses on getting to a certain point in a strategy above all else.  Most commonly used to refer to building up to attack quickly.  You can "rush" to make a zergling attack, or "rush" to DTs.
Turtle: a strategy that is all about defending your position as much as possible.
Teching: rushing to achieve a specific unit or building in your technology tree (e.g. rushing to DTs is teching to DTs)
Tech Switch: somewhat self-explanatory; switching your army composition based on unlocking or expanding a tech path.
Death Ball: refers to the idea that armies work best when grouped up together.  Instead of splitting up forces to cover more ground, they all need to bunch together for the most effectiveness.  This holds true when units synergize with each other.
Doom Drop: a tactic of loading your entire army into dropships (medivacs, overlords, etc) and dropping them on top of your enemy's base or forces.
Pathing: the path a unit takes to reach a destination.
Run-By: a tactic of ignoring defenses to reach a key destination, such as a mineral line (e.g. hellion run-by to attack a mineral line).
Saturation: reaching the optimal amount of workers for a base.  Saturating a base requires 16 workers on minerals and 6 (2 x 3) workers on geysers.
Floating: refers to having extra resources.  Usually, you don't want to do this, except in cases where you are planning to do a tech switch or saving up to produce a lot of units at once.
Area of Effect/Splash: AOE, or AoE.  Referring to an ability that affects an area instead of just a specific target.
Greed: a strategy that focuses on developing economy before technology or military.  Involves expanding sooner than expected, or saturating a base to maximize income quicker.
Macro: macromanagement, referring to controlling base infrastructure and economy.
Micro: micromanagement, referring to control of individual or groups of units
Meta: a term that is loosely referring to what is "in" at the moment, or the over-arcing norm.
Kiting/Dancing/Stutter-stepping: continuously backing up and stopping to attack.  A common tactic used by marines to maximize damage output before taking damage, or to spread out against AoE (obviously not limited to just marine control).
Sim City: referring to building placement.  Usually, this means making pathing difficult for the enemy to get to key locations, or preventing surrounds on important structures or units.  An example is making a maze of supply depots (or a full wall of depots) to prevent zergling run-bys from entering your mineral line.
Grandmaster: GM; the highest league a player can be in.
Diamond: dia; an upper league just behind masters and above platinum
Platinum: plat; a middle of the road league

There's probably a lot more I have missed, and like mentioned earlier I'll update this post as I remember or come across more.

On another note, here are "controversial" slang:
Ebola: parasitic bomb used in mass by vipers
Cancer Mech: turtle mech strategy
A-Move: controlling an army by simply pressing the A key to attack and clicking on a location, without any micromanagement on the units.

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