Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Protoss and the Archon/Chargelot/Immortal combo

This seems to be the new go-to strategy for Protoss in ZvP.  I do tend to run into this more and more.

Protoss open with a few phoenix to harass mineral lines and snipe wandering overlords.  This will force a few spores at each base, and possibly hydralisks.  Then transition into this strong combination of units and push after getting 3-4 archons.

Zealots will take care of lings and deal upfront damage with charge.
Archons can take a lot of punishment while dealing a lot as well.
Immortals are similar but are more against roaches and ultralisks.

Overall it's a very strong composition right now:
Zerglings can be dealt with by zealots and archons.
Roaches get owned by immortals.  Ravagers can force them to move though.
Hydras are too squishy.
Mutas are warded off by archons.
Ultralisks can be countered by immortals.

If they sprinkle in a warp prism it can get pretty dicey.

There are counters to this.  Good positioning of zerg units can do well, so where the battles take place is crucial.  If zerglings can get to immortals it's not as rough.  If you throw in more types of units, you can expect the Protoss too as well:

Lurkers could do well, but you need to snipe observers.  Surviving phoenix can lift them, and immortals are tough enough to kill them straight up.  Protoss can also respond with disruptors.

Brood Lords do work well too, but are at the very end of the tech tree, and I'd expect the Protoss to be at the end of their tech tree too.  That means tempests can be added to snipe your brood lords.

Infestors can help obviously, but how much is not really known; I haven't seen or used infestors against this comp yet.  Usually, HT's are added into the protoss comp, and they can feedback any caster you bring.  Not to mention storming your army to soften them up as well.

Vipers could be useful in pulling immortals/archons into your army, but that's about it.  Nothing in that composition is required to be stationary, so blinding cloud may not be appropriate.

So for now, this seems to be a focus point for mid/late game ZvP.  How would you handle this?